BBC Look North feature on Rooted
Check out Rooted on BBC NW! OMG
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Rooted in the Mirror
We were featured in The Mirror…check it out

Adopt a Christmas tree scheme. Those looking to be eco friendly this festive season can turn to a new scheme.
We are famous….

Searching for an eco-friendly Christmas?

Green for life…not just for Christmas

Rooted takes root
Rooted liked by climate change lead
at Calderdale Council
Cllr Scott Patient, lead member for Climate Change & Resilience at Calderdale Council says…
“By hiring a tree and letting it live on, we can reduce waste and support the Calder Valley’s flood management schemes and improve our air quality. I think Rooted is a kind business idea for our community that represents all that is great about living in the Calder Valley. As a flood warden and after witnessing the devastation floods in our area causes I hope people will switch to hiring a tree rather than buying a cut tree this year so we can build a better, cleaner and greener community for our children’s future.”
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