Rooted takes root


Welcome to Rooted. A new sustainable business in the Calder valley.

I made a resolution at the start of 2020 to be more sustainable in anyway I could. And I wanted to plant some trees.  

Then Covid hit, I lost my job and the world turned up side down.  Dreams of expensive electric cars and eco investments like ground source heating went on hold but I could still reduce waste, recycle more and plant some trees. I was determined to stay positive and achieve my 2020 resolution as best I could.

I am lucky enough to have a field that my neighbour/farmer grazes his sheep on but since experiencing the flooding in the Calder Valley I felt it was time to move the sheep on and plant some trees.  I wanted to help in any small way in reducing the flow of water into the stream at the bottom of our garden that flows into Walsden Waters and down into Todmorden.  

So I contacted ‘Slow the Flow’.  The team came and assessed our field and we qualified for 500 ‘free’ trees.  Which was great, the only issue now was volunteers to plant them in a Covid safe way, as school children would normally help as part of an educational field trip… so we had to wait for a plan B. 

I also needed a plan B, to keep me sane during lock down, whilst looking for a new job in an economic down turn.  I was still thinking about my 2020 New Year resolution and the field, which still had room to do more.   I found some companies elsewhere offering a tree hiring solution at Christmas instead of cut trees and I was sold.  Why isn’t anyone doing this around here, I thought?  And the seed was planted and ‘Rooted’, my side hustle began.  

After months of research and hard work, I am pleased to say a sustainable Christmas tree will be available this Christmas in Calderdale.  The brand Rooted has literally taken root.

So if like me, you can’t afford electric cars but want to do your bit - why not hire a living tree this year? 


Green for life…not just for Christmas